From the department head
Valuable Students, who won the Social Studies Education Program,
First of all, we congratulate you for being the first students of this program and we hope that your university life will be full of success.
Social Studies Teaching program; It is a program where different disciplines such as geography, history and citizenship are blended together. You will leave this department, which you have entered as a student, as an educational goal at the end of four years. In this process; You should not forget to recognize yourself as an individual, noticing how you learned and how to teach while cognitively filling your statue by reading, researching and studying hard. Until you graduate from this program, you should also aim to learn at least one foreign language well, to go abroad at least once by following the opportunities in our exchange programs and to be able to do very good research in this field. We, as our faculty members and staff, will always be with you with the facilities of our faculty and university and we will help you to improve yourself and be the best. 
Welcome to your department!